DAWEI / China

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Dawei China

Dawei is a Chinese manufacturer of table tennis equipment. This brand is mostly known for its affordable but quality products. Also, their professional rubbers with pips out are known worldwide and are recognizable as one of the most successful in their segment. DAWEI’s long and mid-length pips out rubbers are some of the most successful yet extremely affordable professional table tennis rubbers in the realm of defensive playing strategies. Rubbers like the “King Long 388D-1” and “Attack and Defense 388C-2” are the benchmark for defensive (grass) rubbers, while the “Strange rubber 388C-1” is one of the highest rated medium pips out in this segment.

The DAWEI brand blades also have very nice qualities despite their low price.They feature good playing characteristics and affordable prices.

The DAWEI brand offers excellent solutions in certain niches of professional table tennis equipment. Their products are affordable, consistent and well recognized in the table tennis world.