Tables for table tennis

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Table Tennis Tables

Here you will find all our offerings of table tennis tables. You can see some of the leading brands in the world of professional table tennis. Our excellent selection of tables has been tested by various coaches, athletes, and masters of the sport of table tennis.

Discover the quality and enjoyment of playing table tennis with our fantastic models. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, our tables will offer you the best combination of functionality and quality. We have top brands like Donic, Gewo, and Yasaka. We, from, have not only dedicated our lives to our favorite sport of table tennis but also represent one of the largest table tennis communities in Bulgaria (Kido Table Tennis Club in Plovdiv), and we dare to say that we pay attention to the presentation of tables in detail.

First, let’s note something very basic, and that is the size of the table tennis tables. The standard table tennis table has the following dimensions: height – 76cm, width – 152.5cm, length – 274cm, and net height – 15.25cm. They provide stability and resilience during the game. The tables are designed to meet various needs – from home entertainment to professional tournaments. With their features and conveniences, they are suitable for every player. Our tables stand out for their easy assembly and portability. This makes them ideal for home use, clubs, or tournament events. Discover a variety of models and designs that are not only functional but also complement your style. Whether you’re looking for a classic, modern, or sophisticated design, we have the right table for you. Our table tennis tables, certified by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), provide the opportunity for fun and serious play in a family setting or at competitions. Many of our customers have appreciated the quality and functionality of the tables we offer. Their positive reviews are the best indicator that the tables are great.

If you have any questions or need advice on choosing a table, do not hesitate to contact us.

We are committed to recommending the most suitable table tennis table for your budget.