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DHS rubbers

DHS or Double Happiness is the largest manufacturer of table tennis equipment that we are proud to feature in our table tennis store. Their rubbers are the benchmark for quality and durability. Their Hurricane series is statistically the best selling rubber in the table tennis world. In our table tennis shop we strive to offer all the time not only the commercial versions of the Hurricane series, but along with that the Provincial, National and Global variants that China’s national competitors play with. It is no coincidence that it is the Global versions of Hurricane rubbers that are considered the best table tennis rubbers. 

You can always contact us with an inquiry so that we can recommend DHS table tennis rubbers to put together a wonderful table tennis racket.

Double Happiness T.T. was founded in 1957 in Shanghai. This company is considered to be the biggest table tennis manufacturer in the world.Supplier of 5 World Olympic Games and numerous World Championships. DHS is the inventor of 40+ mm ball. Double Happiness is supplying the China`s national table tennis team.The company is known for their innovation in balls, rubbers and blades.You can always rely on their great quality and highest standards in table tennis.